'15-'16 - Let's Catch Up!

  • Last school year was a busy year for us in the library! Not only was it Mrs. Grabowski's first year, but the library itself had changed quite a bit. The most important thing for Mrs. Grabowski was having a more student centered library media center. So, last year we began to weed out old, uncirculated, and damaged books to make room new books that not only meet the needs of a 21st century curriculum, but also catch the attention of readers of all types! We also added an Everybody Non-Fiction Section that includes titles suitable for even our youngest readers; these titles were separated into child friendly bins with pictures so that children of all reading abilities would know where to find their favorite non-fiction titles!
    While still teaching library and reading skills, library centers were incorporated for grades 3-6. These centers included library/reading skills, as well as science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM). Students were collaborating, thinking critically, being creative, and learning - all while having fun. Some of our centers were K'Nex, Legos, Dewey Decimal Memory Match, Library Shelving, and the Wondrous Words Center. 
    Check out some of the pictures from some of last year's K'Nex library centers. 

'16-'17 Updates

  • This year we have added more bins to the Everybody Non-Fiction section for our primary students and have separated out the emergent reader books so they will be easier for our growing readers to find.  We have also added more labeling to all of the shelves so that locating books will be a breeze; students will now be able to quickly locate books that interest them!
    Not only this, but we have added $1000 worth of e-books to our collection and have also added nearly 200 new and exciting titles to our main library collection here at Chicora. 
    Our students this year are doing all sorts of things from Lego challenges, to designing, prototyping, and building their own game controllers, to working with division problems on a Minecraft  color by number sheet. Students also have a fun time practicing ABC order skills at our librarian center. Students are loving our library centers that allow them to collaborate, problem solve, and use all types of literacy!