• The Karns City Area School District Safety Committee is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy environment for its employees as well as its students and the public. The goal of the KCASD Safety Committee is to eliminate workplace injuries and illnesses by involving employees in identifying hazards and providing suggestions to eliminate or prevent future incidents. The foundation of the committee is monthly meetings, which are structured to facilitate information exchange and education via reports of safety concerns, district operations and guidance from Committee members. We are committed to keep moving towards the goal of having an injury free workplace.

     Please communicate workplace safety concerns or questions to any member of the district workplace safety committee or email kcsafe@kcasdk12.org.

     KCASD Safety Committee Members

    Steve Andreassi

    Heather Christie

    Brenda Knoll

    Josh Stimac

    Kyle Hasychak

    Peggy McElravy

    Deana Turner